Local Committee of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Legislative and regulatory texts
- Loi n° 99-05 du 18 Dhou El Hidja 1419 Correspondant au 4 avril 1999, modifiée et complétée, portant loi d'orientation sur l'enseignement supérieur.) Art.63(
(PDF – JOURNAL OFFICIEL N° 61- du ler octobre 2006)
- Décret exécutif n° 04-180 du 5 Joumada El Oula 1425 correspondant au 23 juin 2004 fixant les attributions, la composition et le fonctionnement du Conseil d'éthique et de déontologie de la profession universitaire.
(PDF – JOURNAL OFFICIEL N° 24 - du 07Avril999).
- Arrêté n° 03-2014 du 04 février 2014 fixant la liste nominative des membres de Comité local d'éthique et de déontologie de l’université de Guelma. (PDF)
University Charter of Ethics and Professional Conduct-May 2010
- charte éthique (Ar)
- charte éthique (Fr)
in less than fifty years after the independence of our country, the Algerian university experienced a very strong growth of all of its main indicators, as evidenced by the number of universities and their geographical distribution, the number of students and graduates, the diversification of training courses and the activity of scientific research.
While much has been achieved - although much remains to be done to reach international standards related to the size of the population - the accelerated pace of university growth has also led to many dysfunctions in terms of quality and efficiency. scientists, respect for the norms of academic life and mastery of processes to improve its performance.
This is, at least in part, due to the fact that the university carries out its training and research missions in a socio-economic and institutional environment which has also undergone profound changes, which makes it necessary to reaffirm principles and the renewal of operating rules that can guarantee both its pedagogical and scientific credibility and its legitimacy.
The members of the university community are, in this context, required to share the moral and methodological approach that leads to the ethical and deontological recognition of the best behaviors and best university practices, as well as to combat the drifts.
Emanation of a broad academic consensus, the charter of ethics and deontology reaffirms general principles stemming from universal norms as well as values specific to our society, and which must be the driving force of the learning and implementation process. of academic ethics and deontology. It must therefore be a tool of mobilization and reference recalling the main principles that guide university life and inspire the codes of conduct and regulations that will result.
The charter contains
2. Academic freedom.
3. Responsibility and competence.
4. Mutual respect.
5. The requirement of scientific truth, objectivity and critical thinking.
6. Equity.
7. Respect for university franchises.
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, (Teachers, Students, Administration).
1- Rights and obligations teacher researcher.
1-1. The rights of the research professor
1-2. The obligations of the research teacher.
2- The rights and duties of the student of higher education.
2-1. The rights of the student.
2-2. The duties of the student.
3- Rights and obligations of administrative and technical staff of higher education.
3-1. The rights of administrative and technical staff.
3-2. The obligations of the administrative and technical staff.
- The competence.
- Impartiality.
- Integrity.
- The respect.
- Confidentiality.
- Transparency.
- The performance.
The Council of Ethics and University Deontology '' CEDU '' (Installed Tuesday, February 4, 2014 and chaired by Professor '' BELAAREEDJ Belgacem '')
Members of the local committee of ethics and deontology:
The local committee of ethics and deontology consists of seven members are respectively:
Nons et prénoms | Qualité | Organes |
Pr. BELAAREEDJ Belgacem | Président | Faculté Des Lettres et des Langues |
e-mail:belbel2353@yahoo.fr | ||
Pr. FERKOUS Saleh | Membre | Faculté Des Sciences Humaines et Sociales |
e-mail:salah_fer@hotmail.com | ||
Pr. BENYOUNES Abdelaziz | Membre | Faculté Des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie et des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers |
e-mail: benyounsaziz@yahoo.fr | ||
Pr. AFFOUNE Abed Med | Membre | Faculté Des Sciences et de la Technologie |
e-mail: affoune@laigm.net | ||
Pr. DJEROUD Sassia | Membre | Faculté Des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique et des Sciences de la Matière |
e-mail: djerrouds@yahoo.fr | ||
Pr. KHELIL Abderrezak | Membre | Faculté Des Sciences Economiques, Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion |
e-mail: a.khelil@mail.lagh-univ.dz | ||
Dr. CHOUAIDIA Mounia | Membre | Faculté De Droit et des Sciences Politiques |
e-mail: mouniachouidia@yahoo.fr |