Central Library
The year 1999 saw the construction of a modern architectural design infrastructure with all the amenities and services of a University Library.
The different services of the central library:
- Acquisition and Inventory Service
- Treatment and Cataloging Service
- External loan service
- Consulting and Periodical Services
- Thesis and Dissertation Department
- Media Library Room
- Internet room
The documentary collection:
As of 1 April 2011, the Guelma University Library has 176,843 books, or 28,604 multidisciplinary titles, this fund meets the documentary needs of more than 16,000 students in graduation and 500 in post-graduation enrolled in the various specialties taught. at the University of Guelma and 627 teachers.
In addition to encyclopedias, dictionaries, theses and memory our fund is essentially composed of books in different languages (Arabic, French, English ...). Most of the journals and periodicals are acquired by subscription, the remainder in the form of a donation.
The internal regulations:
(For more details read articles 59 to 63 of the internal regulations of the university)
The acquisition of the works intended to enrich the documentary fund of our university is made each year on the basis of the choices made by specialized commissions of teachers and librarians appointed by the Deans of the different faculties.
Like university libraries, the benefit of the different services of the library is conditioned by the presentation of a renewable reader card each year for the students and teachers of the University of Guelma