THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON: The State of Teaching and Research in literature and Civilization New Realities, New Perspectives and Approaches 30 & 31 OCTOBER 2018
Call for PAPERS
Noticeable changes have been brought to the areas of pedagogy and scholarship in the fields of literature and civilization studies over the last years. New trends in research follow in the new psychological, social, political, and natural landscape .New notions pertaining to these disciplines have been evolving. The emerging perspectives on the teaching of these disciplines reflect the developments of the teaching approaches in other disciplines, but also follow in the new techniques of expression, thematic frameworks, and literary criticism. Approaching New times and new realities and understanding related artistic representations, require the utilization of new telescopes --perspectives, methodologies and research tools. Similarly, teaching literature and civilization in this context should reflect the drastic transformations and changes which deserve new strategies and innovative techniques. Trending principles like that of scholarship and education for the common good necessitate adapting to the various changes taking place including our understanding of the concept of ‘common good itself’.