Algerian Summer School on Signal Processing and its Applications -'Signal Processing for Telecommunications': A3SPA2017, December 17-20, 2017 Guelma, Algeria
The Algerian Summer School on Signal Processing and its Applications (A3SPA2017), organized by theTelecommunications Laboratory (LT) of Guelma University (UG), is a forum that gathers well known experts, lecturers, researchers and PhD students from various universities and industrial groups involved in the development of new applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Originally, the school started as ISSSPA (International Summer School on Signal Processing and its Applications) initiated in 2004 to promote signal processing research activities in developing countries, starting with the Maghreb region. Since most editions were held in Algeria, it was decided to rename this event as Algerian summer school so that, 2017 edition would be its 7th edition dedicated to Signal Processing for Telecommunications.
Extension Call For CV-Submission Deadline (firm): October 31, 2017